Reflector human design
Reflector human design

And the moment you introduce to them the obvious of their mechanics, that everything about what they’ve been through immediately falls into place. The most important thing in meeting Reflectors and particularly in meeting adult Reflectors, because adult Reflectors can really be helped, it is much easier to help an adult Reflector that has been through the conditioning of family life than just about any other Type. It’s why, now for example, on Jovian Radio there is a Reflector doing the neutrino forecast. In fact, Reflectors are more aligned to the world we live in than anyone else, in the sense that because humanity is not-self and because humanity operates as a puppet on the string of the program, that no one is more deeply connected to what the strings are and what’s attached than the Reflector. In other words, more and more they become aligned to the world that we live in. The beauty for the Reflector is that almost all Reflectors that I know find this intimacy with the program as they mature.

reflector human design

To raise a Reflector correctly, that’s quite a journey. They need to be in the middle and not necessarily approached. It’s difficult for them very difficult for them as children. And it’s something to understand about all Reflector incarnations that these are special forces in the day-to-day life in the nature of being that are absolutely essential but have very, very weak connections to the forces that bring them into the world. It comes into the world not knowing if it’s in the right place with the right beings. Of course, this is the only Type that automatically comes into the world with an undefined G. After all, the Reflector is not here to be absorbed and overwhelmed by the physical human domain. In other words, they go through a specific cycle.īut, as children, it is so difficult for them. So they may be Splenic followed by being Throat dominated or G dominated or Emotional. So when the moon is in the 48, or when the moon is in the 57, or when the moon is in the 10, and so forth and so on, that they have a regular cycle-14 times a year approximately- of lunar activations that go through and highlight their mapping in a certain ritual, one thing after the other. They have a very different way of processing information.Īnd the moon is important for them because obviously, because of all of their openness, the moon goes around the wheel the fastest of all the objects and it means that in a lunar cycle all the possibilities of Definition in their chart. It’s very different a very different time frame.

#Reflector human design full#

Its common Type knowledge that Reflectors, in their decision making process, need to wait out a full cycle of the moon. Reflectors have a different role in this life. And in many ways, because of the mystical importance of Reflectors, is that Reflectors are here to take in the program and measure it against the sample of humans that they meet. You can get in if you get past their protection system.Īnd when you’re dealing with a Reflector, the Reflector would rather be in the wind of the program that moves its Reflector sail in its life than to be caught up in what happens to them when they have to deal with the other. It’s not like you can’t get in there and influence them in terms of aura-to-aura contact-the typical partnership chart-it’s not like they’re blocking that off.

reflector human design

It’s just something to understand about them. As a matter of fact, Reflectors are designed specifically to be impacted by the program, much more than the impact that comes from the aura of other human beings.Īgain, like the Manifestor, Manifestor and Reflectors auras will keep people away unless they insist. This is the aura where you just touch the surface. That is, while they are totally open in the way in which their body graph operates, that their aura itself, this is the Teflon.

reflector human design

They are quintessentially open.Īnd there is some nice irony in that.

reflector human design

Openness is not a counterpoint to anything, in that sense, for the Reflector. Yet, it only brings that to us because it is a counterpoint to our Definition. We tend to look, that is, those of us that have any kind of Definition, we tend to look at all that openness and say, “Oh, my,” because our openness brings that to us. They are so different that it’s almost the “Reflector Design System‟, instead of the Human Design because they are so different. It’s a lot there are a lot of them in the world. But then again, 1% of humanity is really 70 million people. I always give them short shrift, this 1% of humanity.

Reflector human design